PSPI promotes high-quality abaca pulp by cleaning & selecting fibers meticulously inspected by PSPI's trained fiber classifiers.

The Abaca comes from a species of banana plant (Musa textilis) and is extracted from the leaf stems of this self-sustaining plant.


Under normal conditions, the first harvest is done from 18 to 24 months after planting. Stalks are considered mature and harvested when the flagleaf appears.


After tumbling, all cut stalks are piled in a convenient place where "tuxying" is to be done.

Tuxying is the method of extracting the fiber from the leafsheats.


Stripping is the method of cleaning abaca fibers through the use of stripping knives.

Drying / Baling and Grading

All stripped fibers undergo drying before being stored. They may be dried under the sun or air dried in shaded structures.

The Abaca Fiber

Commonly known in the international trade as Manila Hemp, it is considered the strongest of natural fibers.

The Pulp

When converted to pulp, the fibers finds extensive use in specialty paper making, where the principally desired characteristics are good strength and porosity, and in general, substantial wet strength.

The Abaca has great sustainability and is harvested for its strong, versatile fiber that is turned to pulp to be utilized as raw material for different specialty paper products.

Product Applications

PSPI has a wide array of products consisting of various PULP GRADES intended for the manufacture of SPECIALTY PAPERS, such as:

  • Capacitor paper
  • Coffee and tea filters/tea bags
  • Adhesive Tapes
  • Insulation & Building Materials
  • Currency Paper & Banknotes, Passport Paper
  • Meat Casing
  • Electrolytic Capacitor Paper
  • Plug Wrap of Cigarette Paper
  • Condenser Paper
  • Speaker Cones

Quality Control

PSPI's quality control starts at the receiving point of the raw fiber at the mill. In being able to identify and select the specific district of plantation and abaca plant variety prior to mill utilization, PSPI is thus able to stabilize raw material import in order to meet customers pulp quality requirements.

PSPI maintains a vast network of raw fiber material procurement activities.

PSPI is an ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company. Our mill has a capacity to produce more than 4500 MT annually.

PSPI Albuera Mill is located at the municipality of Albuera, province of Leyte, Philippines.

Actual classification of fiber grades are conducted in accordance with the government Agency of the Philippines, the FIBER INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (PhilFIDA).